Sunday, October 30, 2011

Light Painting (Process Paragraph)

Have you ever seen a photo like the one above and asked yourself how can you do that? Light painting may seem difficult but is actually pretty simple. Before you get started you will need the following things: a light source, a camera that allows you to extend the shutter (most modern digital cameras and all DSLR allows you to adjust it) and, of course, the dark. You can also use a tripod but if you don't have one don't worry and make sure you have a capacious SD memory card.
First, there are two ways you can do it, you can ether set your camera on M (manual) or A (aperture-priority auto). If you set it on M, change the command dial to Bulb F6.3, this allows you to have the shutter open for as long as you want. For this you will need a remote shutter, just press the bottom to open the shutter and then press it again whenever you want to close it. If you don't have the shutter remote you can do it on the A mode. This way you just have to move the command dial to adjust the duration you want the shutter to be open and all you have to do is click the bottom for the shutter to open and wait until it closes. Since you don't have the remote shutter you can also set the self timer to ether 10 or 2 seconds so that you have time to get to the proximity spot. Second, set the camera on top of anything that keeps it steady and make sure the camera doesn't move. If you have a tripod it will be appropriate and it will work perfectly. Third for the light source you can use a flash light or a small LED light if you’re a tyro. Another thing you can do, to be more creative, is use color papers or color cellophane on the light source, this way you can get color on your light painting. Fourth make sure you are in a dark place, dark as a chamber, this way the light source will pop out more on the photo. And finally, have fun! Now you are ready to start painting with light and just to warn you; it’s addictive.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Untill The Very End. (free topic)

I remember that day perfectly, I was so young but I remember it like it was yesterday, it was the day I fell in love, obsessed maybe?   It was a magical day and ever since that day everything changed, ever since that day I call myself a muggle. Yes, it was the day I went to see the first Harry Potter movie in theaters.
Harry Potter has been with me more than half of my life. Even thought is fantasy I can say is didactic in some way. 10 years, 7 books, 9 movies. J.K. Rowling is definitely brilliant and I am forever grateful for allowing her books to be brought to life in the big screen. We, who have love Harry Potter, are called the Harry Potter generation. I have read all the book, I've seen all the movies, I own all the movies; twice, since I've seen them so much that they are all scratched and worn out even though I cherish them so much.  But In summer 2010 was more than just screen and pages for me; it was a momentous event in my life. I was going to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Island of Adventure in Orlando Florida and God was I excited! When I was finally thereat and I walked through that entrance I was in shock, speechless, paralyzed. I just walked in and stood there for minutes admiring everything at once. It was fantastic! Specially the enormity of Hogwarts (the castle). Everything was so real it was unreal; it was like being in the movies. If I ever loved Harry Potter it was nothing compared on how much I loved it now at that moment. But that year it was the beginning of the end.
November of 2010 was a milestone; it was when the first part of the last movie of Harry Potter was going to be released. I was there the day it came out, first hour, I could not wait any longer after going to the Wizarding World. And this year everything ended. "It all ends 7.15" July 15, saddest day of my life. I didn't know how I felt; I was so excited for watching the movie but at the same time I didn't want it to end, therefore I didn't want that day to come. But J.K. Rowling said ”No story lives unless someone wants to listen. The stories we love best do live in us forever. So, whether you come back page by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home.” and I realized it wasn't over. The story, like she said, lives in us forever.    

Monday, October 17, 2011

LET ME IN vs. (the Original) LET THE RIGHT ONE IN (compare and contrast paragraph)

WARNING: Spoilers for Let Me In and Let the Right One In.

If you have seen the original film ‘’Let The Right One In’’ and its remake ‘’Let Me In’’ you may have noticed that both films are very similar. However, even though the remake did a pretty good job on keeping it loyal to its original, both films are strikingly different in many ways. First, the most noticeable difference in both films is the languages and setting. The American remake, Let Me In, is set in March 1983 in Los Alamos, New Mexico while its original, Let The Right One In, is Swedish and is set in the Stockholm suburb of Blackeberg in 1982. Second, the opening of both films and the different scenes. Let Me In starts in the middle of the story. It opens when the father of Abby(the vampire girl) is already in the hospital after self injuring himself with acid. In the original this scene doesn’t appear until the middle of the movie and instead, it opens with Oskar(the boy)  looking through his window to find out that he has new neighbors arriving; Eli(the vampire girl),which he finds her peculiar,  accompanied by her father and are moving to the vacant apartment next to his. In addition, another different scene it's the scene in which the father messes up a kill and capitulates and drastically disfigures himself before being taken to the hospital. In Let Me In the father was in the back of the car of a student, hiding and waiting for student to get inside the car to kill him and bring blood to his daughter. But everything goes wrong when the student gets asked for a ride from one of his friend. The father waits until the boy that was driving stops at a gas station and gets off, he then attacks the passenger, steals the car and sprints. He crashes and has to disfigure himself before the police arrives. However, in Let The Right One In, the father goes to the school and hangs a boy upside-down in the locker room but then realizes he’s not alone in the school and the boys friends are looking for him and hear him screaming in the locker room which was locked. The boy’s friends are trying to open the door; the father has no way out and has no other option than to balk and disfigure himself before the police arrives. Third, the missing scenes. In Let Me In the scene of the cats didn’t appear. In Let The Right One In, after Eli attacks a woman and leaves her alive, the woman later gets attacked by a horde of cats and is taken to the hospital. And forth and final, the difference in the graphic and violence. The remake was way more graphic than it’s original. This was seen in Abby’s transformation into a vampire, the fathers face after self injured and the attacks of Abby when she gets desperately hungry for blood. Overall both movies may have some differences but were great. Is very common for remakes to just not be as good as its original but this is definitely not the case.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Oil spill effects on Marine Life (Cause and Effect Paragraph)

Oil spills can threaten marine life in ways that most people are unaware of. First, marine animals that ingest oil can get poisoned. Some of these creatures die but others can get their digestive system and organs affected because of the ingestion of oil. This can affect the food chain because if bigger animals eat smaller animals that are poisoned this bigger animals get poisoned as well, because like it says, it’s a chain. Second, it destroys the habitat many organisms, from the minutest organisms to the biggest. This not only happens inshore but also offshore because the oil eventually ends up in the coast covering rocks and algae. And third it affects the reproduction of animals and hypothetically speaking, it affecting humans as well. Oil is pernicious to eggs of fishes, sea turtles, mollusks and many other creatures. This has an immense impact in the fishery because if it reduces species such as salmons, crabs, octopus, shrimps, tuna fish and many more that are used for human food.
This are some of the many detrimental effects oils spill has on marine life and when this happens is a situation that needs to be taken to action immediately. It is not certain of the duration of the effects from oils spills but it is certain that it will affect for many years to come, not only the marine life but to humans as well.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Dialogue with a Dead Person

I loved my great grandfather with all my heart. When I lost him it was the worst experience I’ve been trough. If I could talk to a dead person it would definitely be him. Since I was so young I never had the chance to tell him how much I loved him and how grateful I am for all the things he’s done for me and  for all the memories I have with him, which are the happiest moments in my life.


Kelvin: abuelo I’m so happy to see you!
Abuelo: "avemaria purisima" you are so grown up! I barely even recognize you!... Well I’ve been dead for like what? 5 years?
Kelvin: almost 6.
Abuelo: oh, long time! You look so much like your mother, and niño what happened? Too poor to go to the barber?
Kelvin: abuelo. I haven’t been to the barber since November of the year before you died.
Abuelo: hay santo! Well don’t you think is time to go to one?
Kelvin: no I like it this way, I look better!
Abuelo: Muchachito de dios!
Kelvin: oh abuelo, the other day I was in the mood for some of the odd mixtures of foods that you would always make like that plate of fried eggs with fries and ketchup. I remember it was so good!
Abuelo: ho yes!  That you and your brother would always eat half of my plate! But I was prepared. What you little suckers didn’t know is that all the time I would only put less than half of what I made in the plate so that when you where gone I could eat the rest.
Kelvin: I couldn’t help it your food was inevitable! You know lately I’ve been thinking a lot about my childhood.
Abuelo: what about it?
Kelvin: well I miss it, I think about all those great times I had. Like, I just remembered that Christmas all of you covered me and Kevin’s eyes and took us to the back of the house and I was so excited to see.  When you finally uncovered my eyes there was a double swing just for us that where you sit was like a mini-plane. That swing was phenomenal!  Well at least that’s what I thought at that moment.
Abuelo: oh I remember that, I was up all night with your uncle building that. I’m glad you like it. Though the look on your faces was priceless when we uncovered your eyes.
Kelvin: my childhood was the best thanks to you! You would always bring home broken stuff that you would find on the street and improvise with it. You would never discard anything; sometimes you would fix it or just take pieces out of it to make something else for us. Also you would always sneak candy when my mom wouldn’t let u, you would always let me help you when you were working, which meant to be fixing something. You were, I mean, you are to me, the best grandfather someone could ever had, you’re not comparable to anyone!
Abuelo: oh you’re lying. I’m not that good
Kelvin: what? You are the best!  You would always furnish us for a great time. And your house had the coolest things someone could ever found.
Abuelo:  it was kind of a mess..
Kelvin: well yea, not the typical house but I loved it!
Abuelo: thank you. Kelvin I’m sorry but it’s time for me to go. I wish I could stay longer.
Kelvin: Is ok but before you go I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am of having you in my life. I never had the chance to tell you this since when you were in the hospital I wasn’t allowed to enter because I was too young and I was told you would recover but that never happened. That was the hardest thing I’ve ever been trough, I felt destroyed. But today thanks to you and that experience I learned to appreciate and love as much I can every person in my life. Because I never know when I might to lose them.  You remind me of this quote I once heard: ‘"We were meant to lose people we love. How else would we know how important they were?" because I can honestly say that this is what happened to me. I don’t think I have enough words to express how grateful I am for having you in my life. I miss you so much! But I know one day we’ll me again. I love you abuelo!
Abuelo: I love you too.
the swing.