Sunday, December 11, 2011

I give thanks for... (LAST BLOG!)

I give thanks for so many things but I specially give thanks to God for finally ending this semester. I have never been so excited about a Christmas break to come. This year has been exhausting, stressful and nothing like I expected it to be. Until now 11th grade has been the best year ever and I thought 12th grade would top it but so far it hasn’t reached half of the awesomeness of 11th grade. I see the eleventh graders everyday and I look at them invidious, wishing I was in 11th grade again. This year has been very irksome. I’ve never had the worried of "needing to get BETTER grades to raise the percentage of a class" nor have I ever been (not even close) in ‘’probatiria’’ and this year I almost did, but thank god I didn’t. I give thanks because even thought it hasn’t been the best semester, especially academically, I can say I am relished because it has taught me so much and I am grateful for it. It was a year of learning, changes, maturing and meeting new and more affable people. This year made me realize that I can’t wait to get to college unlike last summer, before starting this semester, I was ambivalent of starting school because I didn’t want to be close to graduation. But yes, I may be no ready and a bit nervous for this novelty but I am curious to see what’s next, is time for a change and to explore something new, to start a new life, a life as an adult.
Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Attention all men... (Analysis Paragraph)

One possible explanation for infertility in most men can be found in the habit of sitting laptops in their laps or on their legs, and the use on wi-fi on these. Studies show that the heat the laptop produces and the position of the legs egregious and can lead to higher temperatures in men’s genitalia.  High temperatures in the scrotum can cause damage the sperm and mitigate (lessen) the ability to fertilize. As for the wi-fi use on computers, is being said that the electromagnetic radiation that emits can also cause frightful damage to the sperm. So not only men have to worry about where they sit their laptops but about using wi-fi connection? To allay men’s worries researchers have concluded that the best way to elude the problem computer cases and to keep a cool temperature on men’s genitalia is to sit the laptop on the table. If is needed for the laptop to be sited on the lap the best recommendation is to keep the legs spread. As for the wi-fi, the only recommendation is to be conscientious and to, well, not use it.