Sunday, December 11, 2011

I give thanks for... (LAST BLOG!)

I give thanks for so many things but I specially give thanks to God for finally ending this semester. I have never been so excited about a Christmas break to come. This year has been exhausting, stressful and nothing like I expected it to be. Until now 11th grade has been the best year ever and I thought 12th grade would top it but so far it hasn’t reached half of the awesomeness of 11th grade. I see the eleventh graders everyday and I look at them invidious, wishing I was in 11th grade again. This year has been very irksome. I’ve never had the worried of "needing to get BETTER grades to raise the percentage of a class" nor have I ever been (not even close) in ‘’probatiria’’ and this year I almost did, but thank god I didn’t. I give thanks because even thought it hasn’t been the best semester, especially academically, I can say I am relished because it has taught me so much and I am grateful for it. It was a year of learning, changes, maturing and meeting new and more affable people. This year made me realize that I can’t wait to get to college unlike last summer, before starting this semester, I was ambivalent of starting school because I didn’t want to be close to graduation. But yes, I may be no ready and a bit nervous for this novelty but I am curious to see what’s next, is time for a change and to explore something new, to start a new life, a life as an adult.
Merry Christmas!

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