Monday, November 7, 2011

My first dog

Even before I was born there were dogs in my house so basically I was used to being around dogs and having pets. This meant that I didn't take care of any of them because, of course, I was a kid so it was my parent’s job to do it. But it wasn't until summer of 2009, when I turned 15, that I decided that I wanted a dog. Not just another dog in the house, but MY dog. I consulted this with my mom and even tried to lobby her but she said she was going to end up taking care of the pet, so in other words it was a strict no. Also no one else wanted another dog in the house. This frustrated me because I really wanted a dog but I was nonchalant, I wasn't going to let anyone or anything hamper my hopes. I started looking for dogs online and I made sure that everyone in my house noticed that I was determined and that I really wanted a new pet. I was starting to exasperate everyone because all I talked about was my new pet; where would he sleep, at what hours will it eat, who would give food and take care of it when I’m not home and may more things. I don't even remember how I ended up convincing my mother, all I know it wasn't facile but one day she said "no one wants a pet here so start thinking on what you going to do", in other words she finally said yes! Now nothing was stopping me. I kept looking for dogs energized, every hours of the day, I made calls, arrange meetings to get the new dog but then canceled (this happened more than 20 times). It was like this for almost a month until I finally found it. There was only 2 problems; the owner lived in Hatillo, I live in San Juan so this meant a 3hour long drive and I had to wait 3-4 more weeks until the puppy was old enough to leave its mom. This was a problem because first I didn't think my mom would take me to Hatillo and second in 4 weeks school started. This meant no time to neither train nor take care of the puppy the first month which is the most important. It seemed as if everything I have put so much effort and determination to get was just slipping away...

To be continue...

(Part 2 will be posted November 28)

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